Freelance Services


feature stories

Long-form writing was my focus for more than 20 years. As the features editor at a community newspaper, I was responsible for covering local human interest stories, and I loved it! Having the time and space to dig into a topic and really paint a picture for readers was fun and challenging.

I covered a variety of subjects: health care, education, nonprofits, business, the arts, environmental causes and more.

My writing was always in demand by local businesses and organizations that valued the clarity I brought to their subjects and the results I delivered.

I would love to do the same for you. Contact me for availability and rates.


My background in journalism trained me in writing all forms of content for print, the web and social media. I have edited press releases, crafted strategic captions for photos, written news stories and worked closely with businesses to create advertorial content for special promotions.

Do you have a writing project that could use some expert assistance? I can help! Email me the details of your project, as well as your needs and timeline.

Let’s work together!


Everyone’s writing benefits from having someone else read it to identify any confusing or weak spots, not to mention grammatical or spelling errors. As an editor at a community newspaper, I did this on a daily basis for more than 20 years.

Would you like someone to read and edit your copy to provide a professional polish? I am available! No projects are too big or too small. Email me for more information.